Tory Folliard Gallery

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Craig Blietz's MOWA Exhibition Featured In Fine Art Connoisseur



Museuem of Wisconsin Art
205 Veterans Avenue
West Bend, WI 53095
October 13–January 13


CRAIG BLIETZ (b. 1956), He/lanthus, 2018, oil on panel, 48 x 60 in., on view at the Museum of Wisconsin Art

The Wisconsin painter Craig Blietz is the toast of his native state, thanks to two exhibi­tions on view this season. His solo show at the Museum of Wisconsin Art features a new body of 30 works that depict the cows so beloved in this dairy-minded state. As seen here in Heli­anthus, Blietz places his impeccably drawn cows front and center, allowing them to float in a depth-less background of quilt-like pat­terns and muted agrarian symbols. (Note the sunflowers at left and barn at right.) The seem­ingly abstract designs of his cowhides are far from accidental, however: Blietz knows his cow models well and can distinguish one from the next with ease. The resulting scenes - part psychedelic, part Barbizon School - are a unique contribution to American art and deserve more attention beyond the Midwest.
Blietz is also participating in a group exhibition at the Plymouth Arts Center (Plymouth, WI) titled In Fine Form: The Human Presence. On view October 12-Novem­ber 30, this project shifts attention away from four-legged animals to two-legged ones like us.

*The article appears on page 115 in the October 2018 issue of Fine Art Connoisseur